Swift Variables and Constants

Swift allows us to name any piece of data by using either a variable or a constant. Both variables and constants carries with it an associated type, which denotes what sort of data the variable or constant refers to (i.e. text, numbers, time or date).

The difference between a variable and a constant is you cannot change the data assigned to a constant. It is good practice to use constants for values that are not going to change.

Let us take a look at some examples:


var day: String = "Saturday"

A variable is declared by using the word var. In the example above we declare a variable named day with a type of String and assigning the value "Saturday". If we decide to change the value of day all we have to do is set a new value to it.

// initial assignment
var day: String = "Saturday"

//setting new value to day
day = "Sunday"

Swift is known to be a safe language. If you try to assign a new value that has a different type than the one declared (remember we declared day with type of String) it will give you an error. The error message would say something like “Cannot assign value of type to type ‘String’ ”.

// initial assignment
var day: String = "Saturday"

// setting new value to day with a type of integer
// this will give you an error "Cannot assign value of type
// 'Int' to type 'String'"
day = 10


let name: String = "Nestor Castillo"

A constant is declared by using the word let. You will notice it looks very similar to declaring a variable. We are declaring a constant named name with a type of String and assigning the value "Nestor Castillo".

let name: String = "Nestor Castillo"

// This will throw an error.
name = "Jon Doe"

Remember constants cannot change and if you try to assign a new value then it will give you an error message. The error message would say something like “Cannot assign to value 'name’ is a let constant”

Variables and constants give you the ability to name your data and refer back to them in your code. Variables are declared using the var keyword and constants are declared using the let keyword.